Teacher + Parent = Success (Classroom Management in the Digital Age)
Throughout my time in this course, I have been exposed to so many different types of ways to use digital media, such as Creative Commons, Wakelet, Blogger, and even learning how to embed a video within the blog post. This entire book has introduced me to some helpful tips and tricks and effective strategies I could use in my classroom from day to day. From classroom procedures to how to communicate with parents about technology used in the classroom as a teaching tool, this book has it all! Below, you will find a video that explains the benefits of using technology in the classroom. Go check it out and tell me what you think! While looking over my Wakelet, I focused more on teachers building a relationship with parents and making them a part of the team, rather than an enemy. Parents need to know we are on the same team and both want the same thing for their child- to become successful. It is highly important to help parents understand the benefits technology has on their child's e...