
Showing posts from June, 2020

Teacher + Parent = Success (Classroom Management in the Digital Age)

Throughout my time in this course, I have been exposed to so many different types of ways to use digital media, such as Creative Commons, Wakelet, Blogger, and even learning how to embed a video within the blog post. This entire book has introduced me to some helpful tips and tricks and effective strategies I could use in my classroom from day to day. From classroom procedures to how to communicate with parents about technology used in the classroom as a teaching tool, this book has it all! Below, you will find a video that explains the benefits of using technology in the classroom. Go check it out and tell me what you think! While looking over my Wakelet, I focused more on teachers building a relationship with parents and making them a part of the team, rather than an enemy. Parents need to know we are on the same team and both want the same thing for their child- to become successful. It is highly important to help parents understand the benefits technology has on their child's e...

The Outbreak of Social Media

What do you think about social media? Do you think this helps students learn in school? Social media is the umbrella that covers politics, and different ways to communicate with friends and family.  As an educator, I have not used so much technology in my classroom and I have never been familiar with social interactions until this year. It was so sad to not see my students after spring break this year, which lead to not seeing them at all for the rest of the year  because of the coronavirus. I could not believe that a virus that could spread so fast world wide had such an impact on me because I could not believe I wasn't going to see my precious babies until next school year. So I had to communicate through different types of social media such as zoom, google meet, and let's not forget about the lovely google classroom. So after wiping away the tears and facing reality that I won't see my students again until they are in 2nd grade, I socially interacted through google class...

Take Two... And Action

Have you ever seen any type of videos on social media? What were you thinking when watching it? Was it awesome and a video you would share with friends and family or was it a video you wish you haven't seen and re gretted watching? Well in this case, I have only created one video introducing myself and even though I could talk about me for days, it was very difficult trying to film myself for two minutes. Why was that? When looking back at my introduction video I tend to be more of a self critic, but that is what pushes me to do my best. I am just an imperfect person reaching for perfection.   After revising my first introduction video, I understand more of how important a video to be presentable and what you are saying in the video is relevant to the viewer. According to Tuner and Hicks (2017), " we have seen a variety of techniques for making a claim, some of them implicit and others explicit" (p. 84).  It is important to speak clearly in your video, n...

Are Infographics Actually Beneficial or Not?

I don't know about you, but I have always been a visual learner. As a teacher, I completely understand the value and benefits that infographics have on different learners. As an adult, I highly benefit from using infographics because they are more presentable and appealing to the human eye, rather than reading a textbook. So if infographics helps me as an adult, I can only imagine how it will benefit my students in the classroom. Turner and Hicks (2017) has stated that " infographics have become an increasingly popular means of expressing information and making arguments" (p. 60). Because of the visual appeal it has, this can make infographics more understanding towards the students in an elementary setting and could even make reading more fun for them!  The benefits of infographics can help not only visual learners, but can help students (especially elementary age) to tell and write a story in a creative and fun way! I personally believe this is an e...

Argument in the Real World: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Moves of Argument in Web- Based Text  There have been so many current events recently that has been happening within the state of Alabama. Some good and some bad stories has been told. I have heard so many stories, and listened to so many opinions about those stories dealing with police brutality and racism. Truth is, you will never know what truly happened. It is all in the eyes of social media to determine if something is or is not injustice. Social media is the fastest way to connect with people and to state your passions, opinions, and beliefs. A great way to state your opinion on something and have ways to back your up opinion is through blogging. Turner and Hicks (2017) has stated that when blogging, " this type of declarative knowledge is not enough for digital writers to be successful. We also want them to be able to use procedural knowledge in order to craft effective digital arguments" (pp. 46-47).  Click on the link to see some current event bloggers...